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Tag: Mismanaged Properties

STN 48 | Self Storage Investing

Earn $1 Million With Self-Storage Investing

  Investing in your first self-storage property isn’t going to be an easy task. When Stacy bought her first storage facility, it took so much time, energy, and money that she went out of pocket every month after the deal. Buying really mismanaged properties can be challenging, but it will be so much worth it.…

STN 17 | Passive Investing

How To Passively Invest In Self-Storage

  If you want to start passively investing in self-storage, we have the fund just for you. We’re raising money to buy income-producing or mismanaged properties. You can’t buy a mismanaged facility through a bank; you have to raise the money yourself. This is why we are starting this fund so we can continue to…


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